A Solid Foundation is a resource for parents hoping to establish the basics for a faith in Christ in their young, preschool-aged children. As a former Chapel leader for a private Christian school, I have a heart for children's ministry and for growing my children in God from the very beginning. Now, as a stay-at-home-mom, that has become my full-time job. Please start at the Introduction in my sidebar and use all of my material as you wish!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Week One

Are you ready to start at the very beginning? I've designed the themes to correspond with holidays. If you just pop in from time-to-time, you may want to find the current week instead of trying to do them consecutively if you'd like to find activities appropriate to the season/holiday.

Week One's focus is on the first 4 days of creation; separation of the light and dark, separation of the sea and sky, creation of the land and plants, and creation of the sun, moon, and stars. This week will be the beginning of establishing who God is for our kids.

Start your week by reading Genesis 1:1-19 aloud with your kids. Give them plenty of time to ask questions, discuss God's word, and absorb what you're reading. It's also a good idea to always begin any Bible readings talking about God's word. I always hold up the Bible and ask, "What is this?" The kids answer that it's a Bible. Then I ask, "And what's inside the Bible?" They answer, "God's words." Then I follow-up with, "And what is special about God's words?" The kids respond, "They're all true!"

Supplies Needed:
Crayons or Washable Markers
Grab Bag Items from around the house (rocks, leaves, sticks, fruits, veggies, nuts, flowers, etc.)
Construction Paper
Contact Paper
A Collection of Waterproof things for Sink or Float
A Collection of household items for Sun Prints (ABC fridge magnets or a foam alphabet work perfectly for this)
Child's favorite fruits for a fruit salad (along with kid-friendly utensils for cutting if appropriate)
Flower seeds, potting soil, flower pot

Alright, let's dive in!

Here's the permanent link to Week One. But you can also always find the link list in the sidebar.

1 comment:

  1. Alicia, I am beyond excited about your new blog. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this idea.
    My son just went to his first day of preschool today at our brand-new church preschool. As thrilled as we are that he will be learning right in our church, reading your fantastic ideas has given me the first twinge of regret that he's there and not home with me.
    Thank you for sharing and I'm so excited to keep up with this blog!
