A Solid Foundation is a resource for parents hoping to establish the basics for a faith in Christ in their young, preschool-aged children. As a former Chapel leader for a private Christian school, I have a heart for children's ministry and for growing my children in God from the very beginning. Now, as a stay-at-home-mom, that has become my full-time job. Please start at the Introduction in my sidebar and use all of my material as you wish!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Week Six

I can't believe we're already six weeks in. Are you still finding the curriculum helpful? Are you seeing excitement and new understanding in your kids? I sure hope so!

This week is all about Noah and his ark. Begin by reading the story of Noah. Since the biblical version is incredibly long for such little listeners, it is probably a good idea to choose one of the Noah books on the list to read instead.

Supplies Needed
blue jello
whipped cream
white paper plates
large glass bowl
small mirror
hole puncher
rainbow-colored construction paper
one roll of toilet paper
one bar of Ivory soap
1 box of white cake mix
1 tub frosting
food coloring in (at least) 4 colors
small food/cookie cutters
skewers/popsicle sticks/chopsticks

Hope you enjoy a week of learning about Noah!

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