A Solid Foundation is a resource for parents hoping to establish the basics for a faith in Christ in their young, preschool-aged children. As a former Chapel leader for a private Christian school, I have a heart for children's ministry and for growing my children in God from the very beginning. Now, as a stay-at-home-mom, that has become my full-time job. Please start at the Introduction in my sidebar and use all of my material as you wish!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Week Four

This is our fourth and final week about creation. God made people, and God made me focuses on the unique characteristics God has given us. We'll spend this week celebrating our differences, features, and quirks that make us special.

Let's start this week by reading Genesis 1:26-31 and Psalm 139:13-14. Talk about how God make us in His image and that we are His children. This is a good place to introduce the concept of God as our "Father." It's also great to include in your conversation that God created each and every one of us intentionally just as we are and that He has a special purpose for us all. Our specific talents and skills are like gifts from Him. We have a responsibility to use those gifts wisely and with purpose. So talk about how He gave us hands for helping His people, feet for going to His people to share love, lips for speaking truth and for using loving words, etc.

Supplies Needed:
butcher paper
copy of All About Me
camera and copies of pictures taken throughout the week
play dough ingredients: flour, salt, Kool-Aid powder, oil
unflavored popcorn & seasonings (seasoned salt, cinnamon, sugar, garlic powder, parmesan cheese)
a bag or a box for the sensory kit plus a handful of household items of different textures
supplies for your Child's Favorite party - decor in your child's favorite colors, their favorite meal/snacks
white paper plate
scraps of yarn in your child's hair color

I hope you all have a great week getting to know your children even better as the unique little kids God created in His image!

I would love to hear your stories of how things are going with your kids. As I'm preparing this post, we're just finishing up the first week, and we have had a ball. I was amazed at how quickly my daughter memorized the verse, and it blesses my socks off to hear her recite it as she's falling to sleep, recall it at appropriate times throughout the day, and refer to it while reading other Bible stories. This new plan has been such a huge bright spot in our week, and I pray it has been for you too!

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