A Solid Foundation is a resource for parents hoping to establish the basics for a faith in Christ in their young, preschool-aged children. As a former Chapel leader for a private Christian school, I have a heart for children's ministry and for growing my children in God from the very beginning. Now, as a stay-at-home-mom, that has become my full-time job. Please start at the Introduction in my sidebar and use all of my material as you wish!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Week Three

Continuing the thread of creation, this week is all about animals. The scripture reference is Genesis 1:24-25. As always, make sure to begin the week by reading the scripture and explaining it thoroughly.

I've found that there's no need to paraphrase the scripture into "kid-friendly" language during the first run-through. I think it's important to read straight from the text, then to sum up what we've just read. I am amazed at how much my 3-year-old understands before we've even discussed the meanings. I find that the times that I read straight from the text offer more opportunities for adding vocabulary words to her arsenal too which is a win-win educationally. What ways have you found to be helpful to introduce the text to your kids? I'd love to hear your ideas too!

Supplies List
animal crackers for snack
washable paint, markers, pens
crayons and a copy of the animals on the lesson plan
popsicle sticks
plastic animals

Get ready to moo, bark, slither, and gallop your way through this week!

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